





地區社會融資規模增量 其中: Of which:
Aggregate financing to the real economy(flow) by province 人民幣貸款 外幣貸款(折合人民幣) 委托貸款 信托貸款 未貼現銀行承兌匯票 企業債券 非金融企業境內股票融資
RMB loans Foreign currency-denominated loans (RMB equivalent) Entrusted loans Trust loans Undiscounted bankers' acceptances Net financing of corporate bonds Equity financing on the domestic stock market by non-financial enterprises
北京 Beijing 9831 3804 -1132 1328 554 -182 4311 952
天津 Tianjin 3506 1985 -77 528 157 118 553 191
河北 Hebei 4044 3525 -5 -53 1 20 354 51
山西 Shanxi 2352 1445 -9 192 -65 -68 666 131
內蒙古 Inner Mongolia 1524 1784 -3 15 -325 -483 156 312
遼寧 Liaoning 5036 3052 -133 795 14 413 627 150
吉林 Jilin 1836 1917 17 138 -213 -265 99 60
黑龍江 Heilongjiang 967 1584 -9 55 -445 -422 108 34
上海 Shanghai 6607 3988 10 1094 598 -175 541 374
江蘇 Jiangsu 9147 7520 -438 580 423 -1115 1411 492
浙江 Zhejiang 6382 4293房貸桃園觀音房貸汽車貸款 -157 484 140 -139 1072 471
安徽 Anhui 2901 2558 -22 426 -168 -463 335 121
福建 Fujian 3421 3023 -306 353 -228 -453 718 195
江西 Jiangxi 2035 2134 13 53 -315 -385 450 33
山東 Shandong 6678 4302 -80 315 -523 742 1406 266
河南 Henan 5097 3666 51 385 -37 233 573 101
湖北 Hubei 3271 3272 -165 626 -202 -689 199 119
湖南 Hunan 3411 2882 10 229 -98 -282 435 129
廣東 Guangdong 10765 8616 -558 685 -328 128 1157 625
廣西 Guangxi 2231 1719 -56 252 0 -158 289 68
海南 Hainan 1206 742 279 94 0 2 40 16
重慶 Chongqing 2684 2301 69 226 -176 -630 577 47
四川 Sichuan 4568 3500 -184 294 254 -241 418 198
貴州 Guizhou 3265 2221 -9 733 -128 90 303 0
雲南 Yunnan 2252 1957 0 204 -141 -413 515 51
西藏 Tibet 619 326 2 13 261 12 -10 8
陜西 Shaanxi 3831 2606 -8 107 856 -373 465 80
甘肅 Gansu 2466 1906 14 104 146 150 1 79
青海 Qinghai 759 498 1 38 152 -89 148 7
寧夏 Ningxia 434 460 0 46 0 -98 0 6
新疆 Xinjiang 1705 1111 -5 189 109 -25 232 18


Note1: "Aggregate Financing to the Real Economy(AFRE,flow) by province" refers to the total volume of financing provided by the financial system to the real economy during a certain period of time in each province.


Note2: The statistics is provisional。


Note3: Source of data: PBC, NDRC, CSRC, CIRC, CCDC and NAFMII。


Note4: AFRE provided by headquarters of financial institutions is 467.3billion Yuan。


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